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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

BW ~ Johanna

I don't do resolutions for New Year's.  
I dream all day, every day.
I have been tempted at photo projects in the past but never decided to commit.  
Well, this year I'm gonna try my own made up version.
I almost never convert my images to black and white.  I just prefer color images.  I went through my photos for 2014 and the ONLY black and white images I had were from ballet.  This is an area where I need to get a bit more comfortable or maybe just expand my pallet.  Obviously, I want this project to be about my little babies who aren't really so little.  

Here is the project, one black and white portrait each week of one of the kids. I can't make them change their clothes or do their hair.  These portraits will be of the kids "just as they are" when I pick up my camera.
I'm actually so excited I can't wait to take more but I'm making myself wait until next week. 

Week 1 ~ Johanna


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