Christmas card
Our first family pictures all together and in our happy place. My Christmas card album is one of my favorites. The last 11 years I've saved each card and put it in an album. Our last beach Christmas card was just Chip, Johanna, and I. What a beautiful life.

I had to squeeze these pictures in somewhere because my tiny blue eyed baby is changing so quickly. Her little almond eyes pierce my soul and bring me to tears. I love all her little bits. I thought this morning about how one day I'll be an old woman, and I wondered if I would remember any of the little details. Like how my feet ached every time I got up in the night. How I would beg for just a 3-4 hour stretch of sleep. How I sometimes slept on the couch in the living room just for a different sleeping position. How I loved looking out the front bay window and being able to see everything outside because the moon was so bright. And when a car drove by at 3am, I felt oddly comforted that other people were awake too. How she slept in my arms since the night she was born, even when those pesky nurses tried to tell me not to. How my back ached all the time. How cozy it felt holding her all night.
All the details. I want to remember them all.
All the details. I want to remember them all.

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