New Kitty
We have a new baby.
His name is Caspian and he is sweet and precious and we love him to pieces.

Our little Sven was very sick and we had to make the decision to put him to sleep. It was the so so sad. The timing was perfect though, because my mom had a litter of kittens that needed a home. We picked the prettiest little pink boy. He's the color of Himalayan salt and just what we needed.

Georgia still has sad days and misses her Svenny.
It surprised me how much I did miss seeing his little face in the window when we came home.
Georgia is my little sensitive one. She is so tenderhearted and our little animal whisperer.

What we love about Caspian is that he LOVES to cuddle with us. He purrs like crazy and loves to be held like a baby. He takes naps with Georgia and keeps one paw on her cheek. In the morning he plops himself right between Chip and I in our bed. And Chip actually let's this happen.

A pretty pink photoshoot to celebrate our pink Kitty.
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