PJ's 2016
My treasured annual pj pictures.
They are my favorite of all my other shoots. I'm not sure how many more years I can get away with asking Johanna to participate, but something tells me she wouldn't hear of being left out. Of course, Chip was such a good sport and helped me lug all this junk into the pines. Bless that man. He is literally "The man behind the camera". He is behind me doing crazy things to make the kids smile and look at me.

They are my favorite of all my other shoots. I'm not sure how many more years I can get away with asking Johanna to participate, but something tells me she wouldn't hear of being left out. Of course, Chip was such a good sport and helped me lug all this junk into the pines. Bless that man. He is literally "The man behind the camera". He is behind me doing crazy things to make the kids smile and look at me.

Christmas is so much fun this year.
We've been thinking of things that they can use and bring to Florida, so that is making up most of their gifts. The girls are getting REAL MERMAID TAILS. Mind blown.

The weather has been incredible.
High 50's and 60's all month! It's my dream come true. We have hardly touched our Winter coats and even went to the Christmas light hike at night with just a light jacket.

We picked out our live tree and started decorating.
I wasn't even thinking about height, and somehow got lucky and was only about 3 inches shy of the ceiling. Our ornaments are struggling a bit since each year we break 3 or 4. Next year's resolution is to buy more ornaments!

I don't do very much decorating because I get claustrophobic. But, I do like making use of my Christmas photo props through out the house. Shi had one of my little trees in his room. We helped him pick out something for Dad at the Gap. He wrapped it up and put it under his tree. That night Chip went in to tell him goodnight and he said "Dad! See your socks under my tree?!" We definitely didn't tell him the contents of any other wrapped gift.
It's hilarious how we went to the Gap to buy Dad socks and underwear. I remember buying those kind of things for my dad. Georgia thought it was the strangest idea but I insisted Chip really would want those. Adults are strange and actually appreciate a fresh pair of socks. Especially a pair of socks picked out by their most favorite people.

I'm so incredibly blessed with these 3 babes and the man behind me making silly faces.
What a wonderful Christmas season.

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