I desperately wanted to make it back to Ohio before the Sunflowers died. Because it had been very rainy this year, they bloomed early. We were coming back home to have our sweet baby and I was crossing my fingers that the timing worked out. The Sunflower patch is my favorite place. I prepped the kids on the plane ride home, that we were getting off the airplane and pictures were going to happen that evening. There was one small patch of flowers left alive when we got to the field. It was all we needed. Never mind all the mud and the horrendous bug bites, we made it. I huffed and puffed and waddled around with my big belly. I couldn't have been happier at that moment. I can't wait for next years Sunflowers when there are four sweet faces to photograph.

We had a little silly...

But the sweetest smiles that melt me into a puddle.

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