Christmas PJ's
Every. Single. Year.
This is happening.

I'm so incredibly happy she still lets me do PJ pictures! Actually, there is no way she would be left out! She is working her tail off in school. She has some serious things to work out but she is tackling them! She hasn't gone to an actual school building since Kinder! It will all fall into place and I know she will get the hang of it. She is really enjoying the social aspect. We were getting pretty lonely all by ourselves. I mean we love Bella at 7-11 but she works a lot so we can't hang out that much ha.

Georgia is thriving in her new school. It feels like we are fighting an uphill battle trying to get her out the door in the morning, but once she gets there, she rocks. Johanna is always breathing down our necks about being late. I call it an irrational fear. I tried talking her through it, asking her what she thinks may happen if they are late to school one day. It doesn't help. We've decided sleeping in their uniforms for the next day helps, so who really need jammies!

The other day Shi told someone that he was "homeschooled". It was the cutest thing I had ever heard. We are working on his reading with "The Boring Book". He is a though nut. Likes to do everything on his own terms. I have to get really creative just to get him to attempt any kind of "school work". The girls loved anything I gave them to do for school, he's gonna give me a run for my money.

Our little miss. She doesn't do sleeping pictures, but somehow the sleeping fairies new that momma wanted these pictures. I was sweating and my back was KILLING me. She has this little dot on her cheek that I didn't edit out. It just appeared one day and Georgia and I were sure it was a mole. So I left it in the pictures. A few days later, it scratched right off ha. Definitely, not a mole.

My little collection of babies.
Every time I take pictures, I'm physically and mentally drained (especially recovering from a c-section and caring for a newborn who only sleeps while being held). I wonder if it was really worth all the effort. When I look back, I could cry. It was worth every single bit of stress.
This picture reminds me of Ivy's little floppy baby body. It wasn't even that long ago, and she's already so different. Her round tummy that bulged on the sides and her warm snuggly head, makes me want to pull her right back into bed next to me.
Every time I take pictures, I'm physically and mentally drained (especially recovering from a c-section and caring for a newborn who only sleeps while being held). I wonder if it was really worth all the effort. When I look back, I could cry. It was worth every single bit of stress.
This picture reminds me of Ivy's little floppy baby body. It wasn't even that long ago, and she's already so different. Her round tummy that bulged on the sides and her warm snuggly head, makes me want to pull her right back into bed next to me.

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