Three Months with Ivy
9 Weeks
She spent her first Thanksgiving with her cousins and went to her second movie. She's a smiley little babe but if she loses eye contact we lose the smile. Makes it hard to take pictures. She loves sunset as long as we can keep all the sand out of her face.

10 weeks
Double digits! We live for her smiles and I hog all of her cuddles. Her little talking noises completely melt us. Watching her so intentionally try to put her fist in her mouth makes us giggle. We love all her stages!

11 weeks
Our Christmas baby. Her sweet voice is our favorite sound to wake up to each morning. Her violent gags when she gets her hand stuck in her mouth sends us all scrambling to help her.

12 weeks
Her Christmas gifts I ordered were all lost in the mail.
Oh well, she likes kisses and cuddles better anyway.

13 weeks
She's so squishy you can't help but squeeze her.
Daddy is the best at making nighttime bottles and holding her when her belly hurts.

3 months
She is rolling over and we heard her laugh for the first time.
She is a bundle of joy. Her kicks of happiness are the best. What a glorious three months!

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