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Monday, October 17, 2011


About a month ago I spilled a pint of white paint all over my van. Not cool. The paint got all over the cords of the girls dvd players. We took them out to clean them up and never put them back in. So, we have been riding dvd-less and it has been surprisingly wonderful. The girls talk to each other and listen to Jesus music (I do miss being in control of the radio).

One night we were in the car and Johanna looks over at Georgia and says "Hey Georgia, what do you wanna be when you grow up?"

Georgia (paci in mouth) says without missing a beat "A Printhess". While my heart melts all over the floor, Johanna says, "Oh Georgia, no one is gonna hire you to be a princess".

This is my favorite story. It need to be recorded in my history book.

When you ask Johanna what she wants to be she says, "A fashion designer, a vet, and a police woman. I can be three things cause my mom is three things, a mom, a photographer, and a sewer."

I let them take turns with my camera yesterday. Johanna took this all by herself! She insisted on wearing the strap around her neck and kept saying "No Georgia, give me a real smile."

She has added photographer to her list of things to be.


danielle October 19, 2011 at 8:11 AM  

That is so funny, I just did a similar post about my 5yr old boy taking pictures of me. Your pictures and girls are beautiful!

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