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Sunday, July 20, 2014


I had been dying to try this with the girls.
I was telling them that they needed to use their imagination for this picture, and that they would understand at the end.  They actually found a firefly and put it in the jar when we took this! After I edited the girls both squealed "How did you do that??!?!".

The girls have been arguing for a solid week and I'm struggling to find a remedy.  I trying an experiment, making them sleep in the same room for a few days.  Just a little concept I picked up from Dr. Sears.  We will see if he knows what he is talking about!


patty July 23, 2014 at 3:39 PM  

i think this is delightful! and on the sleeping together? my boys (15 mos apart) shared a room and full bed from the crib until we moved into this house... they were 7 & 6 then... and they got their own rooms. still, every morning for years, no matter where my 3 fell asleep (i have a daughter, too, who was 4 when we moved here), i would find them sleeping together. they love it and it's a wonderful bonding time. hope it worked for you~

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