Gingerbread Fairies
The girls have been baking constantly for about a year now. We started slow and lazy, watching lots of Cupcake Wars and Chopped Junior. We have been "saving" for a Kitchen Aid mixer for several months. Basically that's my code word for "I need to wait and find a deal". I found a deal just in time for Johanna's birthday. Even though it's really a gift that we all get to use, I think I have to let her take it when she gets married. It is a magical machine. I never knew what I was missing all these years! It also looks so pretty sitting on our counter.

Johanna is able to completely bake by herself. She works the oven alone and everything. Our 2016 goal is to move away from the boxed mixes and start baking from scratch. Time to get serious.

I drove to every Walmart in the area to buy any Pioneer Woman products I could get my hands on. It was an intense process (mostly because walking through Walmart feels like visiting a third world country) but Johanna is in love with all the items I was able to score.

Johanna stumbled across this book at Kroger one day and we couldn't believe how perfect it was for us! We didn't let Georgia know about it until we got to the studio and surprised her. Of course, she loved it.

The girls love having bake sales at the end of our driveway.
I usually try to talk them into delivering the goods to our neighbors for free. Most people don't carry dimes with them when they walk the dog ha.

What I love most about all this baking, is how sweetly the girls work together.

Cuties preparing the beautiful and delicious Ginger-breads. Thanks for sharing this cute snaps.
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