Girl's Best Friend
We love working with Judy from Ele Story but this dress was by far our very favorite! The girls were both gasping as it came out of the package. Judy was sweet enough to send Johanna one in her size after they arrived. They could not love a dress more. It's twirly and sweet and has PUPPIES all over it!!!! We borrowed Sweet Sadie pup for our shoot and that made it even more fun for Georgia.

I wish she would let me do her hair like this every day. I love seeing her little face. She gets nervous about what her peers think of her and that turns into hair paranoia. She trusts me with my photo shoots so I'll be happy with that. It's so different from Johanna who couldn't give a flip what anyone else thinks about her hair or anything else!

The girls have been teaming up on me to get a puppy of their own. Most conversations end in tears when I explain the timing just isn't right. One day it will be! It's just not today. Or tomorrow. Or the next day...

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