Shiloh turns 4
Our Bubba turned 4 and I can hardly believe it.
He is so sweet and sensitive and precious. We love him to pieces.
He still has his blankies and paci and we have no real plan to get rid of those...I mean obvi it needs to happen at some point, just not sure when Momma will have the heart to do it. He tears up every time we talk about one day getting rid of them. He asked me the other day if he could keep them and I just passively said, "Sure Babe". He got really excited and started cheering and said, "Yay!! I can have them forever??? Even when I'm a Dad!". I tried to explain to him that he wouldn't want them then but he didn't really believe me.

We celebrated his fourth birthday in Florida. He woke up to a stack of presents and a dip in the pool. Then we went to see "Finding Dory" and ate popcorn until we felt sick. We ended the night at Red Robin for dinner. He got lots of boy toys and books and super hero costumes and pool toys.

A few days before his birthday he got his very own big boy bed! It's a pirate ship bed and it's "so cool". He's been awesome about staying in his bed and calling us if he needs to go potty or when he wakes up.

Four years went by so fast.
I'm gonna keep babying him just as long as he will let me.
Happy birthday Baby Abe.

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