The BIG Move
We have dreamt of moving to Naples for many years. It was a dream I thought would involve Winter months and a little cottage when we were old and grey. Well, Chip got a job offer that we couldn't refuse. Within a few short months of getting back from our January/February trip, we packed up a van load and moved into a temporary rental house. We are spending the Summer months flying back and forth between Florida and Ohio. The timing feels crazy with baby coming in September, but we are all just going with it. So far, so good.

It's hotter than snot during the day and I'm a big baby about it. The kids swim in the pool during the day, then we head to sunset in the evening. We belong to a little private beach park that we pretty much have to ourselves since it's off season. The evenings are breezy and wonderful and it feels like we are right where we should be.

We found a wonderful little house to rent for a year. It's perfect for us.
We will make on last trip back to Ohio to have baby girl in September. What a crazy adventure we began. I hope our kids look back on this time and remember the evening sunsets and trips to 7-11 and not their cranky pregnant, swollen momma.

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