One Month With Ivy
One week on this earth. She hasn't slept a single minute in her bassinet. She had her very first bottle on this day after she screamed and screamed and Momma couldn't think of anything else to do. She promptly fell right to sleep.

2 weeks old and she lost her umbilical cord!
She slept in her bassinet by herself for 2 hours and 40 minutes. She LOVES formula.

3 weeks old and she only opens her eyes to eat. She never gets put down! She has a very short awake time in the morning when she will give us tiny sweet smiles. We made it to our Florida house and she already loves the beach. When she gets sad we walk her near the water and the waves calm her down.

4 weeks old and she loves to look at her toys.
She lays on her play mat and loves the music.
She looks right in our eyes while we feed her.

Our first month with our Ivy Belle was perfection. Sure, she sleeps with her momma every night but who doesn't need a snuggly baby to cuddle at night?! She is so sweet and so precious and we love every minute with her.

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